Saturday 1 September 2012

Shane Bond willing to become Black Caps' bowling coach

Wellington, Sep 1: Former New Zealand pacer Shane Bond has expressed his willingness to take up the role of bowling coach with the national team after current coach Damien Wright's tenure comes to an end after the World Twenty20 in Sri Lanka.

Bond, who took 87 wickets from 18 Tests, works with the NZC and Central Districts team as a bowling coach and has worked with current New Zealand bowlers Doug Bracewell and Adam Milne.

"I am interested in the role, but I want to know more. There's not much else to say really, until I see a job description," Bond was quoted as saying.

Former Australian coach and current director of New Zealand Cricket (NZC) John Buchanan seemed keen on giving Bond's name a serious thought.

"We'll go through the advertising process. We're aware that Damien Wright has to move on so we'll go through that process, but obviously someone like Shane Bond presents [himself] as one of the candidates that we're very interested in talking with," Buchanan said.

"We are very disappointed to lose a quality coach like Damien but can totally understand his reasons for having to step away from the job," the Daily Times quoted him, as saying.

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